Event Planning Essentials
The fastest, most effective, and most affordable event management course
to help you plan any event like a pro.
Pursue Your Passion and
Live the Life of Your Dreams!
Do you dream of planning amazing events that people will remember? Do you know that you have the creativity, the organizational skills, and the motivation to succeed? Do you envision living an amazing, exciting life doing something that you love (and something that you'll probably be really, really good at)....if only you could get started?
The number one reason people don't succeed at event planning is that they don't take the proper steps to get there. They just decide that this what they want to do, and in their excitement they jump in with both feet....without first learning how to swim. By the time they realize there's a bit more to event planning than they realized, they're already drowning in overwhelm and frustration; and they eventually give up, heartbroken and defeated.
All of this can be prevented if you do one simple thing: learn the basics first. Let's face it, event planning is NOT rocket science; but there is a lot more to the process than just picking out decor, menus, and a good DJ. By learning the language, the process, and the reasoning behind it all; you'll gain the skills and the confidence you need to catapult your career and go from beginner to pro more quickly than you could ever imagine.
Or....you can head out there, with no knowledge or training behind you, and flounder around and try to make it on your own. But that is pretty much a guarantee for failure; not to mention lost time and money.
Don't you owe it to yourself, and your future, to take the right steps and create a foundation from which you can launch a successful career?
It's decision time. Which oath with you choose?

What's Included In The
Event Planning Essentials Certificate Course
The Event Planning Essentials Certificate Course is a step-by-step guide on how to plan events; it is designed to walk you through every important step in the planning process, from beginning to end. Here are just a few of the many topics that will be covered in this course:
- How do I choose a venue? What should be included in the rental fee?
- How do I choose a caterer? What should I consider when choosing the menus for my guests?
- How do I ensure the entertainment has all the audio-visual equipment that they need?
- What about insurance?
- What should be in a contract? Who provides the contract, me or the client or the vendor?
- How do I choose the best decor within the budget?
- How do I get enough experience to find a job or to start my own business?
By utilizing the information from this event management course, you can save yourself years of trial-and-error learning and prevent many novice mistakes.
Upon completion of this course, you will have a thorough understand of every element that is part of planning an event, how the different elements fit together and most importantly, why they are important to the success of your event!
The course is presented entirely in streaming video format; the videos are hosted in an exclusive Member's Only area, to which you will have lifetime access. The course also includes dozens of downloadable documents to supplement your learning; documents designed so that you can download, print, and keep them for your future reference.
There are thirty-six modules in nine sections; each module is anywhere from 20-75 minutes long for a total course time of eight hours.

Section One: The First Steps
Four modules totaling 70 minutes of viewing time
The most difficult part is often the beginning! In this section you will learn the first steps to take in planning your event. You will learn the preliminary essential terms that every successful event planner must understand; this section includes a downloadable Glossary of Terms. Learn how to create RFPs (what are RFPs and why are they important?), how to do a site inspection, how to create a preliminary budget, and how (and why) you should create a preliminary agenda.

Section Two: Venues
Two modules totaling 30 minutes of viewing time
One of the most important decisions you'll make as a planner is where to host your event. Learn how to determine when you need a hotel vs. when you need a venue. Learn what specific things to look for in a venue; how to do a site inspection and why site inspections are necessary. We discuss suggested types of venues for different types of events; including real-life examples of various venues I've used in my events and why.

Section Three: Contracts, Licenses, & Permits
Two modules totaling 35 minutes of viewing time
The legal stuff! Contracts are a major part of becoming an event planner, as they are necessary to insure that you, your client, and your event are protected. Learn the basic elements that should be included in contracts, and the different types of contracts you might need. You will receive numerous sample contracts to download and keep. Also, the different types of event insurance that you might need, as well as an explanation of licenses, permits, & permissions and how they apply to your event.

Section Four: Registration
Three modules totaling 38 minutes of viewing time
In this section you'll learn the various definitions of "registration" as they apply to event planning; as well as why you need to create a registration process. Review the different registration processes for different events, suggested registration software, and the difference between pre-reg and on-site registration. Discover the types of material or welcome packets you might need for different types of events.

Section Five: Managing Event Space
Four modules totaling 57 minutes of viewing time
Setting up the perfect event involves more than just decor. Explore how to work within event space to maximize the attendee experience; including the importance of understanding "flow" and examples of good and bad flow. I use real-life sample diagrams of events where the set-up was not conducive to good flow, and how I changed the set-up to optimize the space. Learn the most fundamental sets that every planner must know. We wrap up this section with an overview of the basics of audio-visual terminology.

Section Six: Food & Beverage
Six modules totaling 106 minutes of viewing time
Food & beverage is a major part of any event, and therefore is an important section in this course. Learn how your venue choice will affect your F&B process, as well as special considerations for outdoor events in public spaces. Discover the process of selecting menus and how to work with your venue or caterer. Working around special dietary needs is a vital part of your job; so it's important to learn the terminology that is used with F&B. Finally, learn the different ways in which your hotel, venue, or caterer will charge for F&B to ensure you're maximizing your budget.

Section Seven: Decor
Four modules totaling 53 minutes of viewing time
Decor is usually considered one of the most visual, and perhaps FUN, part of event planning! This entire section is made up of visual examples and photos explaining different elements of decor. You will learn how you can use tables, centerpieces, furniture, and lighting to add to your decor, as well as other tips for making the biggest impact with limited budgets.

Section Eight: Working with Vendors, Entertainment, and VIPs
Five modules totaling 78 minutes of viewing time
With every event you'll ever plan, you'll be working with vendors, entertainment, and (usually) VIPs. Learn how to select and work with vendors, what contracts are needed for each, and how to schedule load in and strike for your vendors at your event. Discover how to find the right talent for your event; as well as special considerations when working with celebrities, and the importance of riders. Learn how to work with VIPs and why they are important to you.

Section Nine: The Final Steps
Two modules totaling 27 minutes of viewing time
All the planning in the world can never predict how your event will go when it's time to go "live"! Explore the often-overlooked steps necessary to successfully manage your event on-site. Understand the importance of staff at your events and how to find and hire staff or volunteers. And finally, learn how to finalize and reconcile your billing; wrapping up with the concept of post-cons and when they might apply to your event.

Enter your text here..Event Planning Checklist: Planners live and die by their "To Do Lists"; but it's challenging to know if you're remembering all of your "to do's." To help get you started, I'm including my own personal itemized checklist that is a compilation of all of the different types of events I've planned; organized in a hypothetical timeline. I've included every possible task to help keep you on track; plus left space for you to personalize your list for each of your events. .

Glossary of Terms: The event planning industry has its own language; and knowing this language is imperative to your success. Throughout the event management course you will continue to learn new terms and how they apply to planning; but this printable Glossary is a must-have reference and guide for the many times you will come across a term you aren't yet familiar with.
PLUS: Your Certificate Of Completion

At the end of the course, there is an online final test; and upon passing the test, you will receive a Certificate of Completion. This certifies to any future potential employer or client that you completed and passed the Event Planning Essentials Course.
Of course, as you know I do not believe in saying you are "certified" as that is a misleading trick in the industry; but naturally you want something to show your hard work and dedication that you've put toward your career. The certificate can be framed and displayed in your office as a qualified event planner!
Ready To Begin?
$297 One-Time Fee Includes EVERYTHING You See On This Page
Only $297 for the Event Planning Essentials
PLUS Your Certificate of Completion
Click here or on the Button Below to Begin Your Career Right Now

Money-Back Guarantee
In addition, I do offer a 100% 7-day money-back guarantee. This means you can sign up, poke around, and make sure this is for you….. completely risk-free. The only thing you are risking is losing out on an amazing opportunity to make your dream career a reality.
I also use PayPal, which is single most secure and trusted payment processing software in the world. You don't need a PayPal account, just a credit card; but you'll still be protected by PayPal's terms of service.
Here are just a few of the many real-life testimonials about my courses, from people just like you.
"I have to write and tell you that I listened to what you taught in your course, and IT WORKED!!! Thanks to you, I was able to secure a great volunteer position with a local non-profit in my town; and then last week they offered me a full-time, paid position! I literally can never thank you enough; you single-handedly helped me achieve my dream!" ~A.A.
"I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I recently landed a job as an event coordinator at a major university in my home town. I absorbed all of the wisdom you share, and applied it to my life; and it worked just like you said it would! Your help is greatly needed, and all those out there that can't afford to go back to school wholeheartedly appreciate your enthusiasm and unending knowledge. Keep up the great work!" ~Z. G.
"You have been such a great help to me. I really want to pursue event planning as my career, thanks to your advice and all the knowledge you have provided for me, I was able to land an internship with a local Event Management firm; and then my internship turned into a job offer. I started the job four weeks ago...and I am loving it! I am truly grateful once again for your immense help. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
"Thank you SO MUCH... I finished up my classes over the weekend, and my head is SO FULL right now with so much great information! I love this class and feel so prepared for my interview tomorrow when I take on Director of Events at a local non-profit!" ~K.S.
Frequently Asked Questions
"How Long Does The Course Take To Complete? I'm Worried I Just Don't Have The Time….."
All of my event planning courses are designed for busy people just like you. They are hosted completely online, so you can progress at your own pace, on your own schedule, as your time allows. Once you sign up, you have immediate access to an exclusive Member's Area; this is where you sign in each time you're ready to complete more of the course.
The Event Planning Essentials Certificate Course consists of just over eight hours of total video time divided into segments, so that you can complete the course as your schedule allows. One student completed the course in a record-breaking two days, and had a job just a few weeks later! I've had a number of students land volunteer opportunities, interviews, and even jobs before they've even finished the course. Others take longer; it all depends on you and your schedule. You have lifetime access to the course.
If you gave up one hour of TV (or Facebook, or any other social media) two nights a week, it would only take you two weeks to complete the course! You could be starting your dream job in less than two months!
"I'll Take It Later, I Can't Afford It Right Now…"
I understand, just as much as anyone, what it's like to have limited funds. However, time for some tough love….how much do you spend eating out or on Starbucks each month? What about those happy hour drinks or the random purchases online? Could you cut out cable or other costs in order to create a new life?
If you add those up in a year, I can imagine you can find enough for this small investment in your future.
If you eat out with friends twice a month and spend an average of $50 (a basic dinner with drinks),
then it would only take four nights over the course of a year to pay for your course!
And this is money that you will make back in your very first event. Although I completely understand what it's like to go through tough financial times, more often than not money is just a deep-seated excuse where fear gets to keep you from pursuing your dreams. It all depends on your priorities.
And, for every day that you put off your future, there's somebody else who decided to take the plunge and is out there getting YOUR clients and planning YOUR events.....
"How Do I Take The Course? Do You Mail Anything To Me?"
In order to keep costs low and to keep it accessible to anyone at any time, I host the course completely online. Once you sign up, you will be immediately taken to an exclusive Member's Area, where you will create a login password. Each time you want to complete more of the course, you simply log in and watch more videos.
I also include dozens of downloadable documents, which you can keep and print out for your future reference.
You can go back at any time to watch the videos again; you will also have the option to pause, rewind, and fast-forward. This gives you the greatest freedom and allows you to work around your schedule. You also have lifetime access to the videos, in case you need a "refresher course" in the future.
"I Don't Live In The U.S; Can I Still Take The Course And Does The Course Still Apply To Me?"
Absolutely! The foundational elements, which is what this event management course is about, are the same for any event, anywhere in the world. Some of the terms might be slightly different, but otherwise this applies to anyone who wants to plan events in their country!
I have had dozens of students from Canada, the U.K., Australia, New Zealand, the Caribbean, and various countries in Africa.
And, as I mentioned before, I hosted the entire course online so that you can access it from anywhere in the world.
"How Do I Know You're Not A Scam?"
This is a fair question; and a question you should be asking before you spend any money online.
I only take payment through PayPal. Even if you don't have an account, you can pay by credit card through PayPal. PayPal has a policy that protects you if you never receive your product, or if you decide I'm a scammer.
If, on the other hand, you decide that my information is worthless and it's not for you, then I will offer a 100% refund within 30 days.
Hopefully this ensures you that I offer a quality, reliable product and that you are protected.
"I'm Ready! How Do I Sign Up?"
Please click here or on the button below, where you can pay with a credit card using PayPal (you do not need a PayPal account). Once your payment goes through, you will be taken to a secure, "Member's Only" page where you will need to sign in each time you're ready to watch more videos and continue on with your course. You will have immediate access to the documents and all video modules.
Good luck and I am looking forward to helping you begin your career as an event planner!
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$297 One-Time Fee Includes EVERYTHING You
See On This Page